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1.Combine yeast, sugar and the water in large bowl, gradually stir in half of the flour, cover; stand in warm place about 25 minutes or until frothy. Stir in remaining flour, salt, cumin and oil; mix to a firm dough. Knead dough on floured surface about 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place dough in large oiled bowl, cover; stand in warm place about 1 hour or until dough is almost doubled in size.
2.Turn dough onto floured surface, knead until smooth. Divide dough into eight pieces, shape each piece into a ball. Roll each ball into a 20cm round, cover; stand 20 minutes to rest dough.
3.Brush base of heated frying pan lightly with some of the extra oil. Cook rounds of dough one at a time, covered, about 3 minutes or until browned lightly underneath. Turn bread over; cook, covered, about 2 minutes or until browned lightly on other side. Repeat with remaining extra oil and rounds of dough.
4.Onion cheese variation; make khoubiz as directed, up until cooking. Heat oil in small saucepan; cook onion, stirring, until soft, cool. Sprinkle rounds of dough with combined onion mixture, cheese and seasoning; cook, onion-side down, as directed above.
5.Za’atar variation; make khoubiz as directed, up until cooking. Spread rounds of dough with combined seasoning and oil; cook, seasoning-side down, as directed above.

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