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Delicious recipes to back up your gut health

Delicious healthy dishes created with your gut health in mind! From fibre-rich breakfasts, to anti-inflammatory mains and low-sugar desserts, these recipes will help you keep your tummy happy
baked oats recipe with stone fruit and rhubarbJames Moffat



By now we’re all familiar with the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, which is why this turmeric dosas and chilli green potatoes recipe is loaded with it! This vegetarian dish is also high in resistant starch and prebiotics for a thoroughly happy tum!



gnocchi curry

This Indian-style gnocchi with green veg masala is a great source of prebiotics as well as a source of resistant starch. Eating foods rich in resistant starch can benefit your insulin sensitivity, prevent tooth decay, and help with bowel regularity.


Baked porridge

Made with probiotic-rich kefir milk, this baked oats with stone fruit recipe is one delicious way to support your gut health. Rich in fibre, this easy breakfast recipe is also free of dairy, which can irritate the gut – even in people who aren’t diagnosed lactose intolerant.


Banana and coconut nice cream

Free from both gluten and dairy, this banana, coconut and rosemary nice-cream is a delicious way to satisfy your sweet tooth while getting a healthy dose of prebiotics. Prebiotics are a particular type of fibre that help your gut flora thrive – and bananas have plenty!


vegan tiramisu

This raw, vegan tiramisu recipe takes all the creamy, coffee and vanilla deliciousness we know from this classic Italian dessert and gives it a gut-friendly spin. The creaminess comes care of cashews, which are rich in fibre and protein.


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